Winter’s Promise

Greetings dear Pilgrims ~ children of wonder and seekers of wisdom! I’m so happy to return from my blogging sabbatical to write reflections for you to walk with on the labyrinth path. I am now a certified Life Transformation Coach who incorporates walking the labyrinth path as part of the process for mapping out new lives that align with who you truly are. If you are curious and eager to learn more about my work on the labyrinth path, please visit my Walk, Love, Sparkle Patreon page from the menu above. There’s so much there for you to enjoy! Below is a reflection to help you prepare for spending the Winter months intentionally, and restfully.

Light energy woven around a turn on a snowy labyrinth path

The Turning of the Wheel Toward Stillness ~ A Reflection

Living in the northeast region of the continental United States (New England), winter is a cold, dark time of year. The energy of humans who inhabit the land begins to wane and we often take hints from the bears that hibernate. Our bodies begin to slow our pace and we begin to approximate hibernation when we settle in at home for the night. Over the course of the next four or five months we’ll be drawn to quiet pastimes. It is a time to lean into the stillness that envelops the world. When we respect this natural rhythm to our existence, we live more peaceful lives, happier because we are better aligned with the core of who we are.

Journal prompt: Answer the question “who am I?” Write and/or draw diagrams of who you believe yourself to be. Then dive deeper. Take one and expand on it. Is it a role? Related to a talent you have and share with others? Then write down the ways in which you live your life aligned with this sense of your identity. What comes up?

Winter can be a time to exercise our Imaginations. It’s the perfect season for diving more deeply into creative projects that we’ve put off during the busier summer months that brought milder weather. We step in from the outside, take off our coats and boots, brew some tea or stir up some cocoa, and work on something with our hands: cooking, baking, knitting, mending, weaving, writing, drawing, painting, making music, etc. What do you dream of spending more time on this winter? What keeps you from diving in and doing what you love most? Is it something you can let go for a while? Is there a boundary you must affirm so that you have the time and space to do what you love?

Remember to Give Yourself the Gift of Rest

Remember to balance your beautiful creative endeavors with rest. Resting is important to our health because it boosts our immunity. It is important to our resilience in the face of challenges and Walk a finger labyrinth every day if you have one. There’s lots of meditative music on YoutTube for listening while you move along the path. If you don’t have one, let me know and I’d be happy to make one for you. Below is a simple labyrinth path you can walk with your finger, and below the labyrinth is my favorite (untitled) poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, to accompany your deep dive into your own uniquely magical creative powers. I encourage you to write in a journal your response to the poem, and also illustrate your writing. Do it whatever way pleases you most because it’s your journal. Have fun and may you enjoy bright blessings in the months ahead!

A simple 3-circuit labyrinth design to walk. Created by Karen A. Szklany

You darkness that I come from,

I love you more than all the fires

that fence in the world,

for the fire makes

a circle of light for everyone,

and then no on outside learns of you.

But the darkness pulls in everything:

shapes and fires, animals and myself,

how easily it gathers them! —

powers and people —

and it is possible a great energy

is moving near me.

I have faith in nights.

— Rainer Maria Rilke

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